The Cat Doctor of Dover

187 Watson Road
Dover, NH 03820


Our Gallery


We’d love to show off pictures of the whole Cat Doctor of Dover community! Send your favorite photo of your cat friends past & present to Or let our staff know if you’d like a picture taken while visiting the hospital or cat condos. (You can be in the picture too!)

In the meantime…enjoy what we have so far!

Beau Chubbs Herman Davis Lulu Davis
Westfall Gomez Louis Davis Pearl Lewis

Stoops Duncan

Sunny Davis

Lulu and Louis Davis


Leonard.  A former live-in greeter and morale officer at The Cat  Doctor of Dover, Lenny now patrols Dr. Davis’s home.


Emmett. Dr. Davis’s “first-born son” (and believe it or not, not related to Leonard).


Trixie the Wonder Cat